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Migration from v6 to v7

This guide describes the changes needed to migrate the Tree View from v6 to v7.



Start using the alpha release

In package.json, change the version of the tree view package to next.

-"@mui/x-tree-view": "6.x.x",
+"@mui/x-tree-view": "next",

Breaking changes

Since v7 is a major release, it contains changes that affect the public API. These changes were done for consistency, improved stability and to make room for new features.

✅ Use SimpleTreeView instead of TreeView

The TreeView component has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major. You can start replacing it with the new SimpleTreeView component which has exactly the same API:

- import { TreeView } from '@mui/x-tree-view';
+ import { SimpleTreeView } from '@mui/x-tree-view';

- import { TreeView } from '@mui/x-tree-view/TreeView';
+ import { SimpleTreeView } from '@mui/x-tree-view/SimpleTreeView';

  return (
-   <TreeView>
+   <SimpleTreeView>
      <TreeItem nodeId="1" label="First item" />
-   </TreeView>
+   </SimpleTreeView>

If you were using theme augmentation, you will also need to migrate it:

 const theme = createTheme({
   components: {
-    MuiTreeView: {
+    MuiSimpleTreeView: {
       styleOverrides: {
         root: {
           opacity: 0.5,

If you were using the treeViewClasses object, you can replace it with the new simpleTreeViewClasses object:

  import { treeViewClasses } from '@mui/x-tree-view/TreeView';
  import { simpleTreeViewClasses } from '@mui/x-tree-view/SimpleTreeView';

- const rootClass = treeViewClasses.root;
+ const rootClass = simpleTreeViewClasses.root;

Rename onNodeToggle, expanded and defaultExpanded

The expansion props have been renamed to better describe their behaviors:

Old name New name
onNodeToggle onExpandedNodesChange
expanded expandedNodes
defaultExpanded defaultExpandedNodes
-   onNodeToggle={handleExpansionChange}
+   onExpandedNodesChange={handleExpansionChange}

-   expanded={expandedNodes}
+   expandedNodes={expandedNodes}

-   defaultExpanded={defaultExpandedNodes}
+   defaultExpandedNodes={defaultExpandedNodes}

Rename onNodeSelect, selected, and defaultSelected

The selection props have been renamed to better describe their behaviors:

Old name New name
onNodeSelect onSelectedNodesChange
selected selectedNodes
defaultSelected defaultSelectedNodes
-   onNodeSelect={handleSelectionChange}
+   onSelectedNodesChange={handleSelectionChange}

-   selected={selectedNodes}
+   selectedNodes={selectedNodes}

-   defaultSelected={defaultSelectedNodes}
+   defaultSelectedNodes={defaultSelectedNodes}